Mindfulness exercise: An effective method for coping with stressful situations


The following Exercise helps you to consciously perceive your thoughts and feelings.  

1. Find a sitting position: Take time to find a quiet and comfortable place for yourself. You can close your eyes or lower them to the floor. Sit relaxed but upright.

2. Breath centering: Focus your mindfulness on your breathing. Feel the air gently flow through your nostrils, fill your lungs and leave again. Breathe in and out deeply and evenly.

3. Observe thoughts: Try to observe your thoughts neutrally without diving into them. Maybe it will help you to look at your thoughts like clouds passing by in the sky.

4. Physical sensations: Focus on your physical sensations. Is there tension or discomfort? Accept these sensations without resistance.

5. Emotions: Accept your feelings without judging them. Maybe you feel fear, desire, or frustration. That’s okay – just let them be.

6. Acceptance: Accept the situation as it is without wanting to change it. Recognize that thoughts and feelings are temporary and you have control over how you react.

7. Back to breathing: Return to your breathing and feel yourself breathing in and out calmly and deeply. Let your thoughts clear through mindfulness of your breath.

8. Open your eyes: Open your eyes slowly and return to the space around you. Feel the connection between your body and the environment.

This Mindfulness exercise can help you become more conscious with thoughts and emotions to deal with. Regular practice strengthens your self-control and enables you to go through life more mindfully. 

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